Maria Madeira / Solo Exhibition
c-AIM previous.
c-IAM stands for camilio International Art Manager and I AM comes from: I think, therefore I AM (Descartes). I would say: We create, Therefore we are, ut because creating art mostly is done in lonely studio’s and te thinking proces is a very individual process per person, I choose I AM.
This idea started in 2014 in Zambia Lusaka where my first producer art question was from Vincenthio Phiri, of which I organized a large painting event, where he painted, live, his largest painting even, Omission (foto in banner below). Which attracted 1200 visitors and we sold 3 paintings. In Zambia since that event I worked more often with other artists of which one other Lawrenche Chikwa at Modzi art where I changed the whole gallery space in a large installation and lighted out the exhibition with solar lights.
In Malawi (2016 - 2019) I worked as an artist myself but also got involved in some art actvities around the Tumaini Festival held in the refugee camp Dzaleka. I also went back to Zambia 2 times and went with Artist Daut Makala to the Cape Town Art Fair and together with him to an culture program in Mua Mission, with cultural lessons about the Gule Wamgulu and history lessons.
In Timor-Leste I start working as Art Advisor and curator for the non profit organization Fundacao Oriente and helped organizing many exhibitions of which the biggest was last year Hasoru Malu and before that the first solo exhibition from Maria Madeira (living in Diaspora in Australia, foto in banner above, Tais with sun stained patterns, Maria Madeira) in Timor-Leste.
Camilio / stepping in the minefield

Vincenthio Zithe Phiri / working on Omission
Web Gallery DREAM:
To start an contemporary art galley is already my wish for over more than 15 years. This will be a real art gallery which is welcome and for everyone to enter. To kick this all of, I started tis website. Traveling around the world, for the last 10 years gave me (besides a huge Co2 footprint, all compensated) the change to see many art galleries, meeting many artists, designers, art specialists, going to art fairs, exhibitions, musea, alternative art projects, pop up shows and more. After doing a curatorial program in Rotterdam after finishing the art school in Rotterdam (with a big role for art history) and Berlin, I helped with may exhibitions and made that my job in a Dutch art museum for 7en years. What I noticed is that artist hardly ask for contracts or at least clear agreements, also they hardly dare ask for a normal honorarium. Furthermore I observed that rent for suitable spaces in The Netherlands are exceptional expensive, even if it is anti-squating. After David Daut Makala and Maria Madeira Asked me to look into if I could be their art manager. I start thinking about creating this website. It is still not the web-gallery I wish, it is about being an art manager and to present myself and offer my professionality to you, but it is a great start.